
Chinese wine corks not yet popping abroad

BEIJING, March 30 (Xinhua) -- The recent development of China's wine-making industry has surprised the world, and the large number of Chinese wine consumers will further push its growth, Argentina's counsellor to China said during an interview ydl 2011-5 helicopter with Xinhua.Juan Carlos Paz, minister of the Economic and Commercial Section with the Embassy of the Argentine Republic, said, "With the popularization of wine culture, China-produced wine will definitely have a promising future."But the ambassador from one of the ps3 accessories wholesale world's most renowned wine-producing nations added that, although he is positive about Chinese-made white wine, the country's reds still need more technical mastery behind them.His comments reflect the views of other experts on the barriers to China's wine producers achieving success in countries where viniculture is already well-established.As China's economy has boomed in recent years, its wine industry has witnessed steady growth. Now, many of the big players in this domestic 3d nail art scene have a desire to expand into overseas markets.According to statistics provided by the China Culture Association of Poetry and Wine, the volume of China-produced wine grew each year between 2006 and 2010 at an average of 18 percent, and the revenue of the domestic wine industry reached 34.2 billion yuan in 2011, up 36.3 percent year on year.According to Zhen Jianguo, former Chinese ambassador to Denmark and Greece, the European Union has established strict rules on imported food and beverages.

