
How To Use Cortex Flat Irons

Knowing how to utilize a flat iron properly and Remote Control Air Swimmer safely is very much important for the health of your hair. Choose a Cortex flat iron according to your hair type. The most popular flat irons from Cortex come with plate widths of 2, 1, or 1-1/4 inches. This article provides all that you need to know about using a Cortex flat iron.Before styling, you should prepare your hair for the process by shampooing it with conditioner and completely drying it. Application of moisturizing shampoos and conditioners provide good heat protection. After that, plug the Cortex iron and wait for some time to reach the desired temperature.Start by lifting the hair up about half way up round your head and pinning up the top layers out of the way, to expose the hair underneath. Draw a thin strip of your hair through the plates. Utilize sectioning clips, if you Air Swimmers have them. Divide your hair into sections no wider than the heating plates of the Cortex iron, and straighten slices no thicker than half the width of your heating plates. You can apply the heat evenly, by working with small sections and slices, and will get the desired straightness fast. When using your Cortex flat iron, never stop mid-section. You should always keep the plates moving. You risk heat damage, if you stop along a section of hair.It can be difficult to straighten the back of hair. There is no simple solution; practice makes perfect. Though, it can help if you place two mirrors on the diagonal so you can see the back of your head. Take the clipped sections of your hair out. Start at the bottom of your head - the neck or nape area and slowly work your way to the crown of your head.As a final point, don't use your Cortex flat iron on a daily basis. The more you use, the more your hair subject to high temperatures, thus causing air swimmers heat damage. So, remember to use it for special occasions.

