
Heartgard for Dogs Effective at Protecting Man’s Best Friend

Dog owners know that we must protect our pets from Heartworm, but what S107 helicopter do you really know about the disease? Heartworm disease is considered to be one of the most concerning health problems for dogs in the U.S. Dogs generally contract the disease as parasites called Dirofilaria Immitis. These are transmitted when your pet is bitten by a mosquito. Heartworm infection can cause many of the major organs to fail and contributes to both heart and lung disease. A monthly dose of Heartgard for Dogs can keep these parasites at bay. It could take years for dogs in low exposure areas to start showing symptoms of heartworms, however if you live in an area that is exposed to a large number of infected mosquitos, chronic symptoms may show up rather quickly. Your dog may already be ill before showing signs of the disease; therefore it is very important to place Flying angry bird your dog on a regimen of Heartgard for dogs or similar preventative as soon as tests show that he or she is negative for heartworms. Tests can include both blood work and chest x-rays.Signs of heartworm disease in dogs include reluctance to exercise, fatigue after exercise and a mild but persistent cough. Another symptom is decreased appetite resulting in weight loss. Dogs with advanced stages of heartworm disease may develop heart failure which can be recognized by an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (swollen belly). Many pets won’t survive a bout with severe Air Swimmers heartworm disease, making it extremely important to keep up with monthly preventatives such as Heartgard for Dogs. It is rc flying shark also vital to make sure your dog is tested for heartworm before beginning to administer the medication, as giving the preventative to a dog that is already infected could cause additional problems. This is why the law requires a veterinarian to write a prescription for these medications. It is very important to have your dog tested for heartworm disease every year, even if they already take Heartgard for dogs or other heartworm medication. The reason for the testing is because as humans, we often to forget to give our pets medication in a timely fashion. Dogs are also known for eating grass, which can cause them to vomit up the medication you just gave. If this happens, your dog could go unprotected for a whole month. Annual testing can ensure that if your pet does become infected, treatment can be administered before the damage becomes irreversible. While giving Heartgard for Dogs and other medications is an important step in the health and well-being of your pet, it should never replace an annual veterinary checkup. The prescription for a healthy dog includes love and proper care.

